Sunday, March 6, 2011

A call to action

I follow several blogs, including YOURS! I scan them for news of interest, to see how you are doing on a day to day basis, and to catch glimpses of your life. Even those of you who live close by still seem a bit far away to visit at times, and have your own lives to live. You may post a few lines on FB from time to time, or many times daily, but I find that these are often links to things you have found on the internet, or momentary thoughts that quickly fly by. I find them a good way to know you are out there, but not great at feeling the mettle of the day.

Reviewing a food blog from the midwest (it could be the Phacter, or others) I find that some blog correspondents have not accessed their page in over a month. And have not added any photos of the Grand-PUPPY. What's up with that? I want to see pictures of snow, and the puppy. I want to see pictures of the new phone, and the puppy. Get the picture?

Speaking of pets, I'm worried about Salix. He is getting skinnier and skinnier. He seems to eat OK, and he gets around without pain, but there is something definitely not right about him, somehow. He should be gaining weight, not losing it. I will take him in this week for a check up and hopefully something obvious and easily dealt with can be diagnosed. He still sleeps with us, and loves the Love Fleece blanket we have on the bed. We leave a bit of it exposed from beneath the covering duvet, and he always goes directly there and kneads his claws into it. Thankfully the fleece is thicker than his claws are long!

Riccia is not doing well. Her back hips are really giving her trouble. She can't run anymore, and chasing the ball even in slow motion often leads to her falling down. The back right leg just won't carry her weight anymore. She lays around all day, and only gets up for scheduled events like food and cookies. She talks at dinner, and is a pest for an evening cookie, so she still has a good spirit.

Calla and Mandy are doing fine. Nothing to report there, unless you want to hear about how much Calla loves Judy, and how she jumps into Judy's lap, purrs like a freight train, and kneads into Judy's chest. Sheesh. What a love cat!

The weather is good toady and I think Juruf and I will try and get out on the recumbent this afternoon. I'll post pictures if anything happens.

1 comment:

  1. Salix has vet appt tomorrow. Want to take him? He asked out and stayed a few hours today in the sunshine but is now back snoozing on the love fleece.
